J. M. Zabick
Managing Editor: Journal/Articles
Academic Journey
Cert. (i/p) - Sacred Heart Major Seminary: Catholic Theology
ThD (i/p) - Evangelical Seminary: Historical Theology/Church History
ThM (2019) - Liberty University: Theology
MRE (2017) - Liberty University: Master of Religious Education
MATS (2015) - Liberty University: Biblical Studies
BS (1993) - Wayne State University: Criminal Justice
I'm a native Michigander, along with my unmatchable wife Nicole and our incredible son Douglas (as well as two large-ish and regrettably unruly dogs). Never in vocational ministry, I recently retired from a 29 year career in the public sector.
Academically, I'm a candidate for a doctorate in historical theology/church history from Evangelical Seminary (Myerstown, PA). My dissertation proceeds under the title, Open Theism before the “Open Theists,” and is a historiography on openness theologies centuries prior to the movement emerging in the late 90's. Presently, along with getting the Cohort launched, this dissertation is my full-time gig.
My general theological interests concern theology proper in conversation with Western Thought, especially as it relates to the place of free will, in the patristic and medieval periods. More select topics include the history and theology around the Nicene Creed, Vatican II reforms, and American evangelicalism over the last 150 years.
As a brief spiritual intro, I was removed from Catholicism in my teens, when my parents got "saved." From there, I spent the next (nearly) 40 years with a wonderful AG congregation. Yet about a decade ago, my study of theology across Christian history started to demolish my evangelical outlook. This led to 5-6 years of deep spiritual upheaval. With my soul laid bare, my pilgrimage reawakened me to the enduring spiritual sweetness and rich depth of my Catholic heritage. I "returned to Rome" and was Confirmed in 2022.
My role with the Cohort includes editorial coordination of "print" (textual) content for publication (articles, the Journal, and web). I am also site's creator, designer, and curator.