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A Journal of Theological Dialogue from The Third Cohort


About the Journal

TheoDiálogos is presented by The Third Cohort, and demonstrates its passion for providing first-rate theological scholarship for the spiritual lives, questions, and conversations, of our fellow believers. This peer-reviewed academic publication seeks to connect with the intellectual life of Christianity in a manner which re-animates the theological mind of its followers and sparks fresh appreciation for the rationality, sacredness, and deep meaning to be found in Christian faith and devotion.  

This theological pursuit, however, is an exploration best undertaken via dialogue, wherein pastoral, parochial, and propositional confines are tested by the full-orbed exposure offered by broader conversation. It is around this circle of discourse that disciples will be fortified for navigating (perhaps mediating) the intellectual challenges of the day, be those posed from within the church itself, or beyond. 

These dialogues are as diverse as The Cohort itself is. That means essays from the wide swath of Christian traditions and broad approaches to the field of theology (and sometimes interpretations of orthodoxy) are welcomed, as no particular persuasion is advanced above any other. And insofar as the Journal seeks an ecumenical chorus of voices, so too does it seek to offer selections that represent a wide variety of disciplines within the vast field of divinity studies, including those that bring the theological into conversation with the doctrinal; psychological; anthropological; historical; sociological; philosophical; artistic, religious, and scientific. This may even include research from non-Christian contributors, so long as those topics clearly, productively, and theologically engage overtly Christian themes in healthy academic dialogue.

Our Goal

The goal of this publication is to offer high-quality scholarly essays, to both the academy and the church, while turning the cost-prohibitive, and low-probability process of getting research printed in professional academic journal, on its head.

​Think of TheoDiálogos like a graduate academic student journal of theology ... only one that is institutionally unaffiliated … enrollment in a particular program, institution, and/or adherence to a particular set of organizational tenets is not required to participate. Like an “in-house” student journal, we wish to offer students of theology, divinity, and religious studies related fields, an opportunity to share their research and knowledge with the academic community.

It’s just that our house is very open. In fact, we do not even require that contributors are currently students.

Additionally, our aim is seeing your work published and to hear your voice furthering the theological discourse. Our desire is eliminating the unsavory and exclusionary hurdles of professional journals, that make pursuing peer-review publication so unattractive to so many scholars.

Recognizing the cost prohibitions of publishing in most “open-access” journals, we also look to offer no-cost publication of accepted essays, for absolutely as long as we are able, and always at minimal expense when we no longer can.   

Remember, the TheoDiálogos staff, contributors, and affiliates who serve as our editorial team and cadre of blind peer-reviewers is limited. Thus, the number of pieces we are able to accept for publication is unfortunately equally constrained.

Thus, in the interest of your precious time and efforts, we can only accept your proposals during an open submission period (OSP), or in direct response to a “call for papers” (CFP).

OSPs and CFPs will always be posted on the Journal main page, and on The Third Cohort home page.


See our submission guidelines for further details.  


Managing Editor: J. M. Zabick

Associate Editor: Name O. Editor

Associate Editor: Second H. Name

Editorial Board: Nathan Hackman, Geoffrey Bruschi, Rohan Samuels, J. Douglas Krider

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